We do believe that professional writers have to be paid well, but we still offer the lowest prices for the top quality service. We have come up with a flexible pricing policy that can let you choose a shorter deadline for a higher price or a longer one if you are willing to save some money.
All our prices are calculated automatically and depend on the deadline you choose, your academic level, number of pages and type of your paper.
In case you need a brand new paper, you are welcome to choose this type of service. Our writers will come up with a completely new paper that is 100% original and plagiarism-free. Please note that if you need your paper to be paraphrased, it will be writing from scratch type of service.
If you order editing type of service, only up to 30% of original text will be changed or added, but the whole paper will be proofread and fixed. The price for this service is 60% of the regular price. Our writers will edit your paper and make sure it is of the highest quality and has no typos or mistakes.
We are positive that your admission essays and CVs should be perfect. Thus, only the most skilled and experienced writers will be assigned. As professional writers deserve higher pay, CVs, personal statements and admission essays will cost a bit more.
DeadlineLevel | High School (price per page) | College/University (price per page) | Professional (price per page) |
20 days | 9.99 USD | 13.99 USD | 17.99 USD |
14 days | 10.99 USD | 15.99 USD | 18.99 USD |
10 days | 11.99 USD | 16.99 USD | 20.99 USD |
7 days | 14.99 USD | 18.99 USD | 22.99 USD |
5 days | 16.99 USD | 21.99 USD | 24.99 USD |
3 days | 18.99 USD | 22.99 USD | 29.99 USD |
2 days | 20.99 USD | 24.99 USD | 31.99 USD |
24 hours | 22.99 USD | 26.99 USD | 34.99 USD |
12 hours | 24.99 USD | 31.99 USD | 38.99 USD |
8 hours | 28.99 USD | 34.99 USD | 41.99 USD |
6 hours | 31.99 USD | 36.99 USD | 44.99 USD |
Please note that our discounts cannot be applied to the orders priced less than $25
There are some additional options that we can offer to make
your experience with our company even better.
If you add this extra to the order, it will become the TOP-priority for our customer support. Also, you will receive SMS-notifications when the status of your order is changed.
We do understand that you may be willing to have a proof that your paper is original and plagiarism free. For the price of $9.99 you will receive a plagiarism report along with your final paper.
Although all our writers are very skilled and experienced, we do have writers who excel in all papers they complete and receive the best feedback from our customers. The price for this extra will be calculated automatically depending on the type of paper, your deadline and academic level.
If you choose the APA formatting style, an abstract page is highly recommended to be added to the order. The price for this extra is $9.99!
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Revision policy
Dispute policy
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Credit / refund policy
Our guarantees
Plagiarism Checker
Our service is owned and operated by Palazo Group ,394/12, Karlín, 186 00 Praha, Czech Republic
Copyright 2017-2023. All rights reserved.
It is the Cardholder’s responsibility to know the laws concerning essay writing services in his or her country or state of domicile.